Thousands of protesters gathered on the East Side of Manhattan Saturday to show their opposition to a possible war in Iraq. The massive rally was one of hundreds of anti-war demonstrations taking place around the world. ....More than 100,000 people crowded down more than 10 blocks of First Avenue near the United Nations. Many of them carried signs promoting peace and demandeing that the Bush administration to stop what activists call a "rush to war." ....Those who couldn't squeeze into the crowds on First Avenue continued the rally on Second and Third Avenues. The streets were so crowded that many protesters stood on top of cars, phone booths and signposts. ....The protest was reportedly a peaceful one, though there were a few arrests for disruptive behavior. The rally was a part of the "World Says No to War," a 300-city effort organized by an umbrella group of organizations called United for Peace and Justice. New York, February 15, 2003. Please byline: Alecsey Boldeskul/NY Photo Press. ..*PAY-PER-USE* ....NY Photo Press: (646) 267-6913; ..e-mail: