*** EXCLUSIVE ***.."Lord of the Rings" star Liv Tyler explores her new neighborhood. Tyler, who recently settled down with her husband musician Royston Langdon in a spanking newly renovated 3,250-square-foot four-story townhouse in West Village was seen walking around West Village with unidentified gentleman. Tyler, who shelled out $2.9 million for a townhouse near West 4th Street in May 2001 had to spend much more money to fix her dream home. Her house, which is located near Gwyneth Paltrow's and Sarah Jessica Parker's houses, was divided into apartments when she bought it, and the house required a lot of work to convert into a single residence. It took Tyler nearly two years to complete renovation and move in. New York, August 6, 2003. Please byline: NY Photo Press. ..*PAY-PER-USE* ....NY Photo Press: ..phone (646) 267-6913; ..e-mail: info@nyphotopress.com